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Monthly Archives: June 2012
Rub-down: Lena Blackburne’s Baseball Rubbing Mud at the HOF
Here’s a “down-to-earth” story for you. The Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum has posted an article about Baseball Rubbing Mud. Discovered by then Philadelphia Athletics third base coach Lena Blackburne and now produced by Jim Bintliff, Blackburne’s Baseball Rubbing … Continue reading
B-L Term of the Day: Boner
boner noun: A bonehead play or “boner” is a mental mistake that changes the course of a game dramatically. A play where there is an obvious loss of focus and a bad choice was made when the alternative was clear. … Continue reading
B-L Term of the Day: Rake
to rake, raking verb: To really hit the ball hard, all over the park. When you’re raking, you’re hitting very well. (definition from Wikipedia’s Glossary of Baseball) I’ll admit it, rake or raking as a baseball term is a term … Continue reading
Appropriate (and maybe not so) names in baseball history
I’m going in a different direction today. Names of ballplayer that have coincided with their professions. With 96 career homeruns, deadball third baseman Frank ‘Home Run’ Baker might raise some eyebrows with his nickname among the modern crowd. But check … Continue reading
Base Ball at Cantigny: Vintage Base Ball tournament July 7th
Baseball fans in the Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana area might find this interesting. There will be a vintage base ball tournament at Cantigny Park in Wheaton, Illinois on July 7, 2012. As of now there will be ten teams participating including my favorite … Continue reading
B-L Term of the Day: Walk-off Homerun
Walk-off Homerun noun: A homerun that the ends the game. variances: Walk-off hit, Walk-off error, walk-off walk I’ll say this from the get-go… it took me a while to get used to the term ‘walk-off homerun’. I didn’t ring right … Continue reading
B-L Term of the Day: Stealing for the Cycle
Stealing for the Cycle verb: The act of stealing second, third and home in the same inning (or game). (definition adapted from LISNews) Long story short…this past weekend I spent playing APBA Baseball at the Illowa APBA League’s Spring Convention. … Continue reading
B-L Term of the Day: Perfect Game
Perfect Game noun: A perfect game is a complete game pitched without a runner reaching base either by hit, base-on-balls, or error. It’s one of the rarest feats in baseball and a subset of no-hitters. (from Baseball-Reference.com) Variances: perfecto, perfie … Continue reading
B-L Term of the Day: Jaking it
Jake verb: To loaf or to stall; to refuse play because of a real or imagined injury noun: a player who is often out of the lineup because of a real or imagined ailment or feigned injury Variances: “jaking it” … Continue reading
B-L Term of the Day: Can of Corn
Can o’ Corn noun: an easy fly ball or pop fly. An easy catch. More generally speaking, an easy play made in the field. The term “can o’ corn” (or “can of corn”) is one those archaic terms of … Continue reading